Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Virtual Pharmacy E-Learning: Mock ups

start screen copy

This was a quick mock-up done within 3 days or so a few months back. It’s a mock-up on an E-learning site. Users get to go through various sections to familiarize themselves with the relevant duties.

Various design and technical considerations had to be made during the process, such as the logic, flow and updatability in terms on the content. Unfortunately, this remains as just a mock-up.

dispenseNew2 Typing Counter 2

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Visionary Residences


Another one of the recent projects, Visionary is a simple Flash site with a built-in CMS to update its gallery. 

visionaryGallery visionaryGallery

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Interactive Guide to Bunkering in Singapore

MPA_0009_Layer 1We have just wrapped up a project for the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA). The project is an interactive guide to bunkering in Singapore, targeted towards industry use.

MPA_0008_Layer 2 MPA_0007_Layer 3 MPA_0005_Layer 5 MPA_0006_Layer 4

Plenty of 3D images had to be rendered and plenty of content had to be organized. Other than the usual informational content, there is a step-by-step guide to bunkering and a quiz on that too.

MPA_0003_Layer 7 MPA_0004_Layer 6 MPA_0002_Layer 8 MPA_0000_Layer 10

On top of the interactive, we had to do up DVD cover, a large format banner and handle the production of the 1500 DVDs and banner. An opening video for the event itself had to be done too.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Water Wally E-Games

We have finally completed the Water Wally E-Games. The project consists of 2 Flash Games and 1 gift redemption system where players can accumulate points to redeem Water Wally gifts.

WW_0004_MainPageWW_0003_Game A WW_0001_Game B

Water saving and water conservation tips are spread out over the games, telling players what-to-do and what-not-to-do.

WW_0002_Game A1

Water Wally Neighborhood Patrol sees Water Wally visiting his friends’ houses and help them with saving water. This is essentially a rhythm game.

WW_0000_Game B1

Water Wally Kayaking Adventure sees Water Wally helping to clean up our reservoirs.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Million Destiniz: Neo Trading Card

This is one of our recently wrapped-up projects. Website, Application and Trailer for a new trading card game, Million Destiniz. Some screenshots below.

MDZ_0005_Layer 1MDZ_0001_Layer 4MDZ_0000_Layer 5MDZ_0003_Layer 2MDZ_0004_Layer 6MDZ_0002_Layer 3

The website consists of an animated comics introduction to the premise of the game and also an animated tutorial that goes through step-by-step to guide new players on the finer details of the game.

Play card artworks provided by client, of course.

Head over HERE to view the website.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

PD Design Studio Website: Version 2.0

pd v2

It’s been more than 3 years since the PD Design Studio’s site been up. We have received compliments when the site was launched, but we have also received a fair bit of complaints about the site every now and then, particularly about the navigation and how hard it’s to locate the portfolios.

Well, wait no more as we are currently working on the version 2.0. In fact, right now it’s being hosted here. Do take a look at the current work-in-progress and leave us some comments. Do note that the write-ups on the projects are temporary.

We’ll be launching a no-frills site, with all necessary functions, without any bells and whistles very soon. Hopefully, we’ll find time soon enough to update it with more interactive elements. But for now, this is it.

>>PD Design Studio Version 2.0<<