Thursday, July 23, 2009

Poll Time: Final Round!!

This will be the final round of poll(unless all the votes are equally divided). I have finally narrowed down to 1 design, but with variations. It was tough to come to a decision especially the voters had a different favourite. But all things considered, this is it!

As per previous polls, you are welcomed to leave your comments to help us even better.



Anonymous said...

Actually they all look quite similar. I like the white BG - it looks cleaner - and retaining the shape of the game controller as the dog's face.

Jaggedge said...

To me, 6 is the most aesthetically balanced one.

Vern said...

I like no.1
I like 6 but if it is a logo. Then I feel that it should be as simple as possible and as little colour as possible. I think White Blue and Red is a good Combi

Anonymous said...

actually, I like the last one, if it's with outline...
But if it's just from the options, i choose the 6th

Pyron said...

No.1 nice and clean. i think its have more impact den the others.

steven_1812 said...

I pick the First one .. Best !!! The white BG more sharp (Same as what my Sis says)

Sen Heng said...

Picked 7.
Using the 2 second test, I felt that one created the best impression, the lack of outlines makes it less busy, easier to register -> quick recognition.

2 has too many elements fighting for attention. Company name is also hard to read.