Thursday, December 17, 2009


I have recently stumbled on some Flickr photos that looks amazing (at least to me).  They look even more amazing when I saw the original straight-out-of-camera (sooc) shots.  Some of the SOOC, if I took them, I would delete them upon reviewing on my DSLR ‘cos they do look like exposed wrongly.  But these photographers had the visions to know what the end product would be like after post-processing.  Seeing that, I was determined to at least give it a shot.

I took a couple of my photos and worked on them, trying out new ways of processing and see if anything would come out of it.  I quite like the end results, and I am sharing the before and after images.

comparison1 comparison2

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Singapory: An Adventure into the Singapore Story


We have just completed production of Singapory.  Singapory is an interactive boardgame based on the history of Singapore.  It brings the players through 5 different time zones.

Singapory is an interactive CD-rom.  Players get to play together in groups of up to 5.  Their score and ranking will be recorded and a certificate will be awarded to them based on how well they fare.


Zone 1: The Beginning, primarily talks about the founding of Singapore by Sir Stamford Raffles.  You would also be able to spot Sang Nila Utama in the picture as it was an integral part of our history.


Zone 2: Building of New Nation is about the hardships and toils of the early immigrants.


Zone 3: A Nation at War revolves around 1 of the darkest period of our history, the Japanese Occupation.  And expect to land on lots of Penalty tiles as it was indeed a tough period.


Zone 4: The Rise of a Nation sees the period when Singapore was separated from Malaysia and the forming of our government.  Needless to say, MM Lee was portrayed here.


Zone 5: The Future is all about the exciting times where Singapore is transformed into a metropolitan city with the numerous iconic developments.

Singapory_instruc Singapory_select_char Singapory_card Singapory_score Singapory_Save Singapory_cert

Some additional screen shots of the game.

Credits goes to Ken for the illustrations and designs.  Sonia and Sze Thing for animation and sfx.  And of course Chris for all the interactivity!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Operation M.A.C.E – Event

Here are some photos of the event where M.A.C.E was launched. The “Clean and Green Singapore – Schools’ Carnival” was hosted at Anchor Green Primary for a duration of 3 days from 10 – 12th November.

booth2Booth Setup

booth agents GUY and Sypher was spotted at the event!

crowd1 The M.A.C.E game booth was quite the crowd pullers during the event.

crowd2                                                 The students were good players!! Made it to stage 3 at the event!

The event do look quite fun with the game booths being so crowded. M.A.C.E Agents, Guy and Sypher even made an appearance to recruit new agents for M.A.C.E. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend the event myself as I was out of the country. Photos were provided by NEA.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


For the past 3 months, the team was busy with the production of OPERATION M.A.C.E, a Flash website with 3 Flash games.

The project is finally completed and was launched by Dr. Amy Khor at the “Clean and Green Singapore – Schools’ Carnival” at Anchor Green Primary School on the 10th Nov 2009.

Operation M.A.C.E builds upon a story that is set in a futuristic Singapore that has been invaded by a race of aliens resembling Aedes mosquitoes. Known as Mosqueros, they invade planets for food and breeding sources. To deal with this threat, a M.A.C.E agency is set up where M.A.C.E agents are sent out to eliminate the monsters by depriving them of food sources and sweeping out all possible breeding grounds.

Here are some screenshots of the website. The website is modeled after some blueprint of what the M.A.C.E HQ will look like.

operation mace 1operation mace 2 operation mace 3operation mace 4

Game 1 is a Top View Shooter. Weapon upgrades can be picked up along the way to equip the players with laser beams and a wider shooting range.

operation mace game 1 operation mace game 2

Game 2 is a platformer. You pick up weapon upgrades, health packs and grenades along the way to help you fight the mosquitoes. The weapons includes a machine gun type, shot gun, etc.

operation mace game 3 operation mace game 4 operation mace game 5

Game 3 is a shooter game where you need to lock down certain doorways to prevent the enemies from spawning indefinitely. Players are also able to select the weapons they want to use on the fly, with of course the dodge and reload.

operation mace game 6 operation mace game 7

Do try out the website and games and leave us your comments. We know the production ain’t perfect and we want to hear how we can make a better project the next time!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We Have Moved!


We officially moved into our new office on 1st October 2009. Prior to that was lots of frantic packing and moving. I knew we had tonnes of rubbish in office, but seriously, I didn’t know we had that much!! Anyway, after a whole week of intensive throwing, packing and moving, we managed to move our stuff here. But sadly, I am still living out of boxes, only searching for what is needed when they are needed. Well. at least everyone seem to be happily settled in as it’s a much more convenient place.

Our new office is not really ready for any photos, so I am only posting one image of the stairways leading up to our workplace. Hopefully, in the near future, we’ll tidy up well enough to post more pictures.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Go Smoke -Free

Go Smoke-Free was an unsuccessful pitch, sadly.  I spent close to a week on churning out the graphics and coming out with the game design and flow at the fastest speed possible.  Admittedly, the basic idea was shamelessly borrowed from a very prominent website, but I still like what was produced.  I am sharing some of the images here with everyone.  Hopefully, one day, we’ll get to do a game that is similiar to what had been proposed cos’ I do think it will be fun and exciting to work on such a project.








Wednesday, August 19, 2009

SHIFT: Characters

SHIFT Characters

All the 4 characters are finally done! Modeled, textured and rigged for animation. Although we won’t be seeing much of them in such hi-res glory on the game, we are thrilled to have them completed.

We are now working on the re-vamping of the environment (Actually, it’s just Paul doing most of it.. :P). Be sure to check back every now and then as we will be posting work-in-progress and updates whenever appropriate.

We are also targeting the release of a demo version in November, so do keep a lookout!

Docomo Intertouch Website

Docomo About Us About Us – The lighting of the scene changes with the time of the day.Docomo Solutions & Services Solutions & Services – This section contains several video and interactive demos.Docomo Customer Support

Docomo News Docomo Contact Us

docomo BBdemo One of the several video demos about their Solutions & Services. docomo phonedemoOne of the several interactive demos about their Solutions & Services.

This project involves plenty of conceptualizing and designing from ground up. The scope of work includes designing, 3D modeling, texturing, animation,rendering, Flash animation, actionscripting, php, etc.

The website features different 3D environments which flies in and out as the users transit to other sections.

Credits goes to Paul, Sonia and Sze Thing who were involved in the project.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

SHIFT Character: Dwarf

A series of images detailing the work progress up to the final image.Pls leave a comment if you have any thoughts on what to improve on, or at least fuel our egos at PD Design Studio with a "Waoh! great stuff guys!"...or something along that line